Booking Information
Booking Information
Booking is essential and can be made up to 6 weeks in advance.
All information provided on the booking form is confidential and protected in line with GDPR guidelines.
Booking forms can be located on the Bumble Bees information board in the main reception area.
Payment can be made online via SimsPay, and we currently accept the following child care vouchers:
- Computershare
- Fideliti
- Co-op
- Care4
- Sodexo
- Kiddivoucher
Fees are payable for all booked sessions unless 24 hr notice has been given.
Please ensure that fees are paid promptly.
We will always try to be as accommodating as possible and understand that occasional changes may need to be made, if you would like to make an amendment to a booking or are experiencing issues with payment please contact Miss Burn or speak to a member of the Bumble Bees team who will be happy to help.