At Regent Farm First School we ensure that all children:
- Develop understanding of concepts and mastery of skills to make sense of religion and belief, at an appropriate level of challenge for their age.
- Develop positive attitudes and values and to reflect and relate their learning in RE to their own experience.
- Have the opportunity to learn that there are those who do not hold religious beliefs and have their own philosophical perspectives, and subject matter should facilitate integration and promotion of shared values.
- Know and understand a range of religions and world views.
We are committed to providing our children with an exciting and positive learning environment, in which they have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of religions while contributing to their spiritual, moral social and cultural development.
How do we teach Religious Education?
We ensure our RE lesson are high quality by ensuring that:
- Lessons have a clear RE focus and do not become an English/Art lesson. However, some lessons may have well planned cross curricular links. To ensure this all lessons have a clear RE learning objective.
- Units of work will enable children to both learn explicit RE (identify, name, describe, give account, build a coherent picture) and implicit RE (give an informed and considered response to religious and moral issues)
- Children have the ability to develop empathy, open-mindedness and respect.
- RE lessons should offer a structured, safe space for reflection, discussion and dialogue.
- Terminology will be incorporated into units and presented to children in age-appropriate/inclusive language.
- Units of work will be planned to adhere to the Newcastle Local Agreed Syllabus.
- Each Autumn Term a whole school project ‘Celebrations and Festivals’ will include each year group visiting a different place of worship.
- During the ‘Festivals and Celebrations’ Project each year group will learn about the beliefs and celebrations of a different religion.
- Assessments will be used to ensure teaching meets the needs of the children.
- Transferable skills are taught, including: communication, interpretation, critical thinking, evaluation and analysis.
- Teachings will use high quality resources including the effective use of ICT.
What is the impact of our RE curriculum?
At Regent Farm First School, we seek to ensure that all children in our school are educated to develop spiritually, academically, emotionally and morally to enable them to better understand themselves and others and to cope with the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities of living in a rapidly changing, multicultural world. Regular assemblies, year group visits to different places of worship and celebrations of work taught and learnt will help to celebrate the diversity of the school community and promote positive images of people in the wider community, including their beliefs, traditions, culture, language and history.