What is a Parent Teachers Friends Association (PTFA)?
Most schools have a Parent Teacher Friends Association (PTFA), which is an organisation of parents, staff and associated people such as grandparents etc. Its role is to encourage closer links between home and school. PTFA's are best known for their fundraising work, but they have a useful social function too. Fundraising events provide an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together.
How is the PTA organised and how can I be involved?
Any member of our school community can be part of our PTFA and we welcome all new members. We generally hold meetings during the school day and will send out reminders to all parents of these, in advance. The PTFA usually meet once a term and may set up smaller working groups to help organise events. Parents/carers are welcome to help in any way they can – there is no expected commitment. You may not be able to help with an event but contribute in another way for example, donate a prize; make leaflets; bake a cake or set up a stall: we are always very grateful for any help.
How is money raised?
Most PTFA's raise money through events. We may hold Summer & Christmas Fayres, Disco’s, quiz night, or cake sales. PTFA’s are always looking for new fundraising ideas and anyone can submit them.
How is money spent?
Funds raised by the PTFA are intended to provide ‘extras’ not already provided by the school's main income – often 'fun things' that make learning more interesting and exciting. The PTFA committee decide how to spend PTFA funds following requests from the school. Common items include computers, playground & school equipment, toys, books and trip subsidies.
And you can always support PTA events by simply turning up!