Regent Farm First School recognises the value of Physical Education (P.E). We follow the aims of the National Curriculum for Physical Education to ensure that all children:
- Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities (Determination and Curiosity)
- Are physically active for sustained periods of time (Determination and Respect)
- Engage in competitive sports and activities (Teamwork and Respect)
- Lead healthy, active lives (Determination and Curiosity)
How do we teach PE?
Our PE curriculum and lessons are effective and age appropriate. We implement PE in the following ways:
- We have a progression of skills across the year groups, ensuring children learn new skills every year and develop previously taught skills.
- Throughout EYFS and Key Stage One children are taught the basic skills needed for PE and games through multi-skill sessions including aspects of agility, balance and coordination. These form the fundamental movement skills.
- Competitive games are introduced through Key Stage One, with children playing fun games as individuals and small groups.
- In Key Stage Two, formal competitive games are introduced, allowing children to develop skills learned in EYFS and Key Stage One. Children learn a wide range of games, practice in small team games, and develop a tactical awareness through understanding defensive and attacking aims and positions.
- In Key Stage Two, children learn new skills specific to individual sports.
- Dance, Gym and athletics are taught discretely in blocks through the year across Key Stages One and Two.
- We aim for children to be as active as possible in PE sessions, with teachers and coaches intervening at key times during learning sessions to teach and develop key skills and ideas.
- We have an inclusive approach to PE; all children are included in all sessions, with support when necessary, ensuring every child benefits from, and understands the importance of, healthy active lifestyles.
Our PE lessons have the following structure:
Warm up
- The warm ups are age appropriate .
- The warm ups raise the heart rate and mobilise the major joints and muscle groups.
- Children are taught why they warm up and what happens to our body during a warm up.
Main Content
- Required skills are modelled by teachers and coaches.
- Key vocabulary is shared with children.
- Differentiation is provided when necessary.
- Children are given the chance to apply skills by using it appropriately with a game, gym sequence or dance.
Teachers and coaches are aware that:
- Children are active learners. (Curiosity)
- Children need to be given the opportunity to learn, practice and develop new skills, techniques and concepts. (Determination)
- Children should be encouraged to support each other develop key skills – children may be called upon to model learned skills to their peers. (Teamwork)
- Children need to be given opportunities to practice and make progress. (Determination)
- Children should be given opportunities to provide feedback on how to improve their performance. (Curiosity and Respect)
- Children cool down at the end of the lesson.
- The learning objective/success criteria are revisited.
- The adult shares objectives going into the next lesson
What is the impact of our PE curriculum?
- At Regent Farm, we provide opportunities for children to become physically confident in a way which supports their health, fitness and well being.
- PE is taught in a way that is fun and meaningful for our children, encouraging an enjoyment for physical activity.
- A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all children to participate and succeed in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities.
- Opportunities to compete in sport, games and other physical activities build character and help to embed our values of teamwork, determination, curiosity and respect.
- Beyond the curriculum, we provide a range of opportunities for our children to compete against each other and other schools.
- We celebrate the excellence of our children in competitions, inspiring our children to be determined to do their best at any chosen sports and games.