We promote healthy eating and offer a large selection of cereals and other breakfast choices for the children in the morning.
Breakfast Menu
- Rice Krispies
- Raisin Wheaties
- Shreddies
- Weetabix
- Cornflakes
- Ready Brek and Porridge
- Bagels
- Crumpets
- Brown Toast
- Low Sugar Strawberry Jam
- Honey
- Butter
- Water
- Milk
- Juice
- Selection of Fruit
After School Club
The children enjoy a substantial snack and a drink. This is not intended as a substitute for a main meal. The after school club snack is chosen from a selection of options, and we eat together within the calm and friendly setting of the family room.
Examples of afternoon snacks served:
- Tortilla wraps
- Special cheesy pasta
- Soup and fresh bread roll
- Beans on Toast
- Fresh pizza
- All served with fresh vegetables or salad.
- We also enjoy the occasional chocolatey treat!
We will meet individual dietary requirements and parental preferences whenever possible.