ARP for Visual Impairment
The VI ARP based at Regent Farm First school is part of Newcastle City Council SEND Sensory Service. Children with visual impairment are fully included within their mainstream classrooms with appropriate support from specialist staff.
All children at Regent Farm First School begin to understand the impact of a visual impairment. They learn to respect children with disabilities, and they develop friendships through collaborative work and play.
To enable children with visual impairment to work alongside their friends, modified enlarged curriculum resources are prepared and tactile resources are available to ensure inclusion in all activities. Children with visual impairments are taught to use strategies to access information in their classrooms and specialist assistive technology is provided to facilitate their increasing independence.
Areas of the ‘Curriculum Framework for Children and Young People with Vision Impairment’ are included within the school timetable. Each child with a visual impairment has a bespoke programme of additional specialist teaching, including mobility and independent living training, touch typing and computing skills and literacy through braille, according to their specific needs.
VI ARP staff work closely with class teachers and teaching assistants to ensure that all children can participate in all aspects of school life together.
VI ARP Online Offer
Regent Farm have a remote and blended learning protocol which ensures high quality educational delivery during any long-term school closures.
Mainstream class teachers will
- Use the SeeSaw online learning platform (and Tapestry for EYFS) to provide electronic curriculum activities matched to the age range and learning objectives which will mirror work that would have been done in school.
- Provide pre-recorded online lessons which will be accessible to CYP with VI.
Specialist VI ARP staff will
- Day 1 - VIARP staff to phone parents/carers to ensure they are aware of the closure and have liaised with SEN transport to ensure safe travel plans to return home have been put in place if required
- Day 1 - VIARP staff to signpost parents/carers to school website for up-to-date information about the closure and the school's online offer
- Day 2 - VIARP staff to phone home to check children can access SeeSaw
- Support families of CYP with VI to select the appropriate accessibility options (Windows ‘Ease of Access’ or tablet settings) on devices at home. This will enable CYP with VI to complete the same activities as their class peers.
- Prepare modified enlarged copies of work for CYP without access to online learning.
- Provide tactile and brailled versions of activities for tactile learners.
- Deliver learning resources to families as necessary.
- Maintain at least weekly contact with parents/carers to ensure CYP have access to learning, and to provide any advice and further support if required.
- If routinely involved with CYP, the Habilitation Specialist will remain in contact with families and visit at home as appropriate.
- Ensure consideration is given to children with a visual impairment, when plans are agreed for the reopening of the school. Follow Council’s guidance on arrangements for children classed as ‘vulnerable’ or who have EHCP.
- End of first week back - VIARP staff to contact parents/carers to ensure it has been a smooth transition back into school.